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What are interest-bearing accounts?

What Are Interest-Bearing Accounts? Interest-bearing accounts are types of bank accounts where you can keep your money safe while earning interest. When you deposit money into an interest-bearing account, the bank pays you interest (money) based on a percentage of your account balance.

How does a bitcoin loan work?

You agree to lend out Bitcoin or altcoins (any cryptocurrency that isn’t Bitcoin) in exchange for interest. This is similar to how savings accounts work at banks: You deposit money, then the bank lends it out and pays you back plus interest.

What is a bitcoin account?

Although the term is used widely by crypto-newbies, there is no such thing as a ‘Bitcoin account’ per-say. On the contrary, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, meaning that you will not have an account with a third-party entity.

What is a crypto interest account?

A crypto interest account is generally a crypto platform’s offering that lets you earn interest on digital assets that you’ve bought. You agree to lend out Bitcoin or altcoins (any cryptocurrency that isn’t Bitcoin) in exchange for interest.

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